Auckland - Tāmaki Makaurau

Shea, Pita & Associates Ltd

021 482 199

We are an indigenous owned and operated management consulting organisation. Operating since 2002, we work with a wide range of government, NGOs, iwi and other clients to achieve improved mana, mauri and manawaroa for tāngata whenua and tāngata tātou. We specialise in outcome framework design and implementation, including data design and use for results strategic and business planning change and project management service and systems design research evaluation and we offer many other skillsets. Our Tumu Whakarae is Sharon Shea MNZM. We have a wide range of talented Associates and sub-contractors. Mauri ora.

Ngāi Te Rangi
Ngāti Hako
Ngāti Hauā (Eastern Waikato)
Ngāti Hine
Ngāti Ranginui
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Grey Lynn