August 15, 2023

Contract Bidding Opportunities: Emerging Suppliers Programme


The Auckland Council whānau are committed to growing the number of pakihi Māori suppliers they work with, and have launched a programme to provide contract bidding opportunities for emerging Māori suppliers.

The Auckland Council whānau are committed to growing the number of pakihi Māori suppliers they work with, so they have launched a programme to provide contract bidding opportunities for emerging Māori suppliers, with a focus on some of the Councils lower risk contracts (300k and below). 

Council wishes to set up the Parks and Community Facilities Physical Works Panel (PCF PW Panel) comprised of pre-qualified Emerging Suppliers for a range of physical works categories. The intent of this panel is to simplify and speed up the engagement of suppliers for the delivery of capex and renewal projects and provide Emerging Suppliers with the opportunity to contract with Auckland Council for work in the listed categories.

The scope of this programme includes the following categories of works:

  • Civil Works: Basic Civil Works, Comprehensive Civil Works, Courts Asphalt, Courts Concrete Specialised Concrete Works
  • Farm Fencing
  • Fire Saftey
  • Heat Pump Hot Water
  • HVAC
  • LED Lighting Upgrades
  • Renovations, Flooring, General, Interior Fit out, Painting, Plumbing & Drainage, Structural Remediation
  • Retaining walls timber
  • Roofing
  • Solar Installations; Bespoke, Prefabricated
  • Boardwalks & Bridges
  • Electrical & Emergency Lighting

Key dates:

Date of REOI Issue: 11 September 2023
Deadline for questions: 23 September 2023, 4pm (NZT)
Deadline for REOI responses: 29 September 2023, 2pm (NZT)


If this is the area of mahi that your pakihi operates in, and you're keen to develop and grow capability, and bid for mahi with the Auckland Council please review the following documents for important dates and REOI requirements!