Mangōpare Air New Zealand Pilot Cadetship

Matt Pryor
June 13, 2024
The Mangōpare Air New Zealand Pilot Cadetship is designed to inspire more individuals to pursue a career as a pilot by reducing financial barriers. This cadetship complements existing pilot pathways, ensuring Air New Zealand can continue to meet future demand and avoid possible pilot shortages.

The Mangōpare Air New Zealand Pilot Cadetship is an all-inclusive training programme that accelerates the journey to becoming a commercial pilot from the typical 24-36 months to approximately 14 months.

With an initial commitment of 30 pilots, Phase One will see successfully selected cadets commence training from September 2024, with the majority of costs, including training and living expenses, funded by Air New Zealand (subject to conditions which can be found on the cadetship website).

In order to quickly establish the cadetship, cadets will initially train overseas using existing capacity while Air New Zealand conducts a procurement process to identify a long-term domestic training provider.

During the first phase, cadets will be predominantly based in Arizona, where they will learn to fly single and multi-engine planes. They will then travel to Dubai to complete simulator sessions, becoming type-rated to fly ATR72-600 aircraft. Once qualified, successful cadets will have a pathway to employment as an Air New Zealand pilot.

There is also an Expression of Interest (EOI) process as part of Phase Two of this cadetship, which seeks to identify interested schools that can partner with Air New Zealand to deliver this cadetship domestically long term.

This two-phased approach gives Air New Zealand time to thoroughly work through everything required to set up an enduring solution in New Zealand.

Further information can be found on the cadetship website.

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